Hydrogen Insight Platform

Hydrogen Market Insight Platform

Trusted by market leaders in the hydrogen industry

We are a hydrogen marketing partner, and research platform.

Hydrogen Standard is dedicated to helping industry professionals navigate the rapidly evolving hydrogen market. Through a suite of products ranging from research to industry advocacy, we delve deep into global hydrogen markets, offering data-driven insights and a platform for companies to share their story.

From research to industry advocacy

One Platform. A suite of products

Physical Exposure

Feature in the trade magazine available at major hydrogen events.

Digital Presence

Company features include a holistic presentation about each company, from articles, reels and videos.

Video Series

We publish a video series at hydrogen events, where we interview key players in industry.

Research Platform

Our research platform includes the Hydrogen Capacity database and hydrogen global governance. Coming soon.

The Power of Digital Twins: How BPT is Enhancing Efficiency in Sustainable Energy

Bilington Process Technology (BPT) specialises in advanced process technologies and solutions for the energy, chemical,..

Sealing the Future: HEROSE’s High-Pressure Valves Paving the Way for Hydrogen Mobility

HEROSE Armaturen GmbH is a leading global manufacturer specializing in the development, production, and distribution..

Verbund is Austria’s leading electricity company and one of the largest producers of electricity from hydropower in Europe.

VERBUND is Austria's leading electricity company and one of the largest producers of electricity from..

Intlvac Hydrogen Leads the Way in Thin Film Technology with Advanced Coating Facility

Intlvac Thin Film, founded in 1967, specializes in manufacturing high vacuum equipment for thin film..

Leading the Charge: Ames Goldsmith’s Breakthroughs in Low-Iridium Catalysts for PEM Technology

Ames Goldsmith is a renowned name in the precious metal compound manufacturing industry with a..

More than 150 Years of Innovation and Excellence in Valve Technology

HEROSE Armaturen GmbH is a leading global manufacturer specializing in the development, production, and distribution..

Matteco’s Breakthroughs in Electrolysis are Shaping the Future of Clean Energy

Matteco is a cleantech company focused on decarbonizing the economy through advanced materials technology, particularly..

Scaling New Heights: How Spatial ALD is Powering the Hydrogen Economy

Eindhoven-based SparkNano have developed solutions using Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) nanotechnology to improve process..

Same-day Service Helps Goetze Valves to Triumph in America

Goetze KG Armaturen is a renowned German manufacturer specialising in high-performance valves and fittings for..